Saturday, August 2, 2014
Back in time

Expo 2014
Last weekend was the Expedite Expo in Wilmington, OH. We made it there Thursday afternoon, after Nicks little visit to the emergency room on Wednesday afternoon. That was a fiasco all in itself. What we thought was one thing, turned out to be something ENTIRELY different.
Thursday evening started with the exhibitor meet and greet cocktail party, followed by a dance party, and we can't forget the photo booth! I love being able to attend these events, as it gives me a chance to get all dressed up, and catch up with important folks in the industry. It was quite funny to hear so many people ask Nick what I was feeding him, or rather wasn't I feeding him, since he has lost so much weight. It was also nice to hear so many compliments on my own weight loss as well.
Friday morning started off with breakfast, and Nick was feeling better, which I was more than grateful for. We walked around the show a bit, and met up with friends who were just making it in. Then came lunch, more socializing, a workshop on Expediting 101. Nick was asked to be a speaker Thursday night, and when I showed up I was then asked to sit on the panel as well. It is always interesting the questions that you will asked. Then the best part of the day came, casino night and the patio party. Because I had so many compliments I was feeling overly confident, and did something I have never done before. I wore a pair of skinny jeans, and on top of that, paired them with a pair of knee high boots. The festivities ensued, and by the end of the night I had a $50 gift card as a prize and some really sore feet!!
Saturday morning was bright and early, 7:30 for the Fedex breakfast. Nick was back to feeling pretty bad, so as soon as breakfast was over we went upstairs for a bit. At 11 there was a "retirement party" at the Load1 booth for a very good friend of ours, that we have known for quite a while. Then we headed back for nick to rest. I casually made my way down at about 2 for my workshop that started at 2:30. It was not the best attended workshop, well, OK, it really was a flop. It was nice to meet Big John, and Buck Black, but other than that not too much went well. I think that it being the last workshop, on the last day, right at the end of the show really affected the attendance, plus it is during the time there are a lot of giveaways.
After the show ended it was time for the driver BBQ. This year was different. This year it was to benefit Cincinnati Children's hospital, as an employee of the company who puts on the expos daughter had been being treated there for leukemia. We definitely made a donation, as it was for such a great cause. Nick was even able to eat a bit of a brat. He was feeling much better, and at about 7:30 I headed up to bed, I was exhausted, and my allergies were getting angry.
Sunday morning, Nick still wasn't feeling so great, so we decided to go home and take him to the Dr again. Today, he is doing better, with the help of cooking in the truck again.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The last few years of our lives have brought big changes. From carriers, to trucks, and our health. Between Nick and I we have nearly lost 250 pound. That's a full grown person!
How have we done this? By cooking and eating in our truck, eating healthily, and exercising. Don't get me wrong, we aren't perfect by any means, we still enjoy dinners out, and treats. But it has been a lifestyle change for the better. It started slowly. We started ordering and buying healthier food, then we started on portion sizes, cooking healthier, and eating all the time.
There is no miracle pill or surgery, otherwise don't you think that we would all be skinny? Its taken a lot of hard work and dedication.
Saturday afternoon I will be hosting a workshop with a few health professionals at the Expedite Expo in Wilmington, OH on how to be a healthier trucker. If you're in the area, I would love to see you there.
The last few years of our lives have brought big changes. From carriers, to trucks, and our health. Between Nick and I we have nearly lost 250 pound. That's a full grown person!
How have we done this? By cooking and eating in our truck, eating healthily, and exercising. Don't get me wrong, we aren't perfect by any means, we still enjoy dinners out, and treats. But it has been a lifestyle change for the better. It started slowly. We started ordering and buying healthier food, then we started on portion sizes, cooking healthier, and eating all the time.
There is no miracle pill or surgery, otherwise don't you think that we would all be skinny? Its taken a lot of hard work and dedication.
Saturday afternoon I will be hosting a workshop with a few health professionals at the Expedite Expo in Wilmington, OH on how to be a healthier trucker. If you're in the area, I would love to see you there.
Monday, July 14, 2014
So, my happiness challenge has been stalled. I haven't been quite so happy. Facing some challenging times right now, just got to make it through.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Oh, what a day
So today's challenge is to meditate for 5 minutes per day. No biggie for me, I do that when I do my yoga, typically before bed. Cardio, I'll get that taken care of later.
I'm feeling a bit down today, and can't seem to shake it. I need to remember everything happens a specific way for a reason. We had a really really good load cancel on us, but as a wise man told us, not everyone will be a home run, so we justbsit back and wait.
On the plus side within the next month we will be 100% debt free. That's a great thing for us, because we want to start saving money to buy a house cash. A lot of people are looking down on us for that because we don't have a home of our own, but what is the point of almost paying double for a house with 30 years on interest?! That's just crazy to me. Plus it will be nice to say, "I am X years old and own my home".
Anyway, to continue with the challenge, today I am thankful for great advice from great friends. I am thankful that there are still good people in the world that are willing to help others. And finally I am thankful for everyone who takes the time to read my writing.
A meaningful thing did happen this morning. While waiting for nick to finish his shower and older gentleman started talking to me. He pointed out he knew I was one of the girls from the most beautiful contest , he knew by my smile and eyes. He said that I belonged in the top three as I have done a lot for the industry and portray a great persona, and that Ingrid deserved to win. I entirely agree with him :)
Today I would like to recognize a great couple. They have been our mentors for the last two years since we came over to Fedex. They always told us that we deserved better things in life, but never realized it. Thank you B&J!
Well, I am off to do the usual task, clean the truck!!